Uncle Moishe told me the last time we talked on the phone that he was playing some canasta in the Shul’s social hall with his childhood friend, Murray Brodsky. They both went to P.S. 50 in the Bronx and had remained in the same neighborhood all these years. Anyway, Murray tells Unc that his wife, Sarah, was working part time…
November 2013 Newsletter – html November 2013 Newsletter – pdf
Uncle Moishe was talking to his brother Bennie, who’s son Hymie owns a supermarket in Brooklyn. Bennie told Unc a story about a young fellow named Nathan that was hired to work in the produce department. One day a customer asked Nathan where he could find half a head of lettuce. Nathan told the customer that they only sold whole…
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October 2013 Newsletter – html October 2013 Newsletter – pdf
Uncle Moishe and his friend Saul Fine were sitting in the Chester Deli on 174th St. in the Bronx after playing some penny and two poker at the Senior Center. As usual, after complaining to Irving, the waiter, about how fatty the pastrami was, the conversation turned to family. Saul told Unc that his grandson David had a little argument…
September 2013 Newsletter – html September 2013 Newsletter – pdf
When I last talked to Uncle Moishe they were having a terrible heat wave in New York. His air conditioner wasn’t working for a few days so he and my Aunt were staying out on the Island with his brother Benny. At least there was a breeze off the ocean at night, he tells me. Anyway. Unc told me about…
August 2013 Newsletter – html August 2013 Newsletter – pdf
I talked to Uncle Moishe this past weekend on the phone. Other than my Aunt going in for a little bunion surgery everything is pretty quiet. Unc was telling me that he and my Aunt went for a drive with their close friends and neighbors, Jake and Minnie Goldblum. They stopped off at a nice restaurant and had lunch and…