unclemoshetoonUncle Moishe told me the last time we talked on the phone that he was playing some canasta in the Shul’s social hall with his childhood friend, Murray Brodsky. They both went to P.S. 50 in the Bronx and had remained in the same neighborhood all these years. Anyway, Murray tells Unc that his wife, Sarah, was working part time in a gift shop on Moshula Parkway. Just to make a little mah jongg money, Murray said. One day she noticed an older gentleman in the card section of the shop. After about an hour of unwrapping a shipment of chochkeys she walked by the card section again and the man was still there looking at the cards. She introduced herself and asked if she could be of any help. The elderly man frowned and said, “Well, I don’t know. I’m having a problem. I can’t seem to find anything that my wife would believe.”