JHJC 20th Anniversary Endowment Campaign

In honor of the Jackson Hole Jewish Community’s Twentieth Anniversary we are delighted to announce the establishment of a general endowment fund to ensure the long term future of the JHJC. The JHJC has served the Jews of Jackson Hole for one generation; this general endowment fund will ensure our vibrant presence in Jackson Hole for future generations. The goal…

JHJCC Announces Film and Food event: Make Hummus, Not War: Food, culture and politics

Make Hummus, Not War: Food, Politics & Culture Saturday, July 26, 2014 Center for the Arts Black Box theatre and Lawn 6 p.m. – $10 includes film and Hummus War tasting Film PG 13 – young children welcome to the Hummus war at 7:30  p.m. Jackson Hole, WY – “When you eat together, you can’t betray each other.” — cultural…

Keeping up with Uncle Moishe, May 2014

Uncle Moshe didn’t waste any time calling me the other evening. He was so curious to hear how our Yom HaShoah event went. I told him how remarkable Holocaust survivor, Magda Brown is and Unc commented how important it is for all of us to bear witness to survivors’ testimony whenever we have the opportunity. When I was a kid…