I was talking to Uncle Moishe on the phone a few days before Passover. He was in Miami with my Aunt to spend Passover with his children and grand-children who had moved to Florida from the Bronx. He told me that a few days before Passover he was in the neighborhood kosher restaurant that was frequented by many seniors. An…
April 2013 Newsletter
I talked to Uncle Moishe this evening and here is a story he told me if you have room in the newsletter. Uncle Moishe was in a reminiscing mood last week when I talked to him on the phone. He asked me if I remembered his Uncle Mordecai who came to the Bronx to visit from Poland when my cousins…
March 2013 Newsletter
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February 2013 Newsletter
January 2013 Newsletter – html January 2013 Newsletter – pdf
December 2012 Newsletter
November 2012 Newsletter
October 2012 Newsletter