unclemoshetoonWhen last I talked to him, Uncle Moishe was feeling pretty chipper. He said he had a good check-up at the doctor and that the previous week he had won the raffle prize of a lunch for two at Goldstein’s Kosher Dairy restaurant at the Jewish Center’s men’s club fundraiser for the Jewish Relief Fund. He also told me a story that my Aunt had heard at her Wednesday afternoon Mah Jongg game at the Jewish Center. It seems that one early morning my Aunt’s good friend Sally Epstein accompanied her cousin Hannah to the police station to report Hannah’s husband missing as he had not come home all the previous night. Routinely, the policeman asked Hannah for a description of her husband. Hannah told the officer that her husband was 6 feet 4 inches tall, had dark eyes, dark wavy hair, an athletic build, weighed about 185 pounds, was soft-spoken and was very good with their children. Sally told the girls at the Mah Jongg table that she looked at Hannah with shock and exclaimed, “Hannah, what are you saying? Your husband is 5 feet 8 inches tall, overweight, bald, has a bad temper and is mean to the children!”. Hannah replied calmly, “I know, but do you think I want HIM back?”.