unclemoshetoonHave you ever noticed how when you visit with your parents or grandparents that your Mom or Grandma waits on her husband hand and foot? It seemed like many men of that generation didn’t even know where the kitchen was much less know how to cook anything. Well, during a recent phone conversation with my Uncle Moishe he told me a story that my Aunt had heard at her regular Thursday Mah Jongg game that illustrates this generational quirk. Rhoda Epstein was telling the girls at the table how her Saul is completely lost in the kitchen and never eats unless she prepares a meal for him. She went on to say that a few weeks back she became ill and couldn’t do the shopping so she made Saul out a carefully numbered list of seven items to get at the supermarket. Unc said the ladies got quite a laugh when Rhoda told them what Saul had come home with; 1 bag of sugar, 2 dozen eggs, 3 boxes of detergent, 4 packages of chicken, 5 eggplants, 6 containers of skim milk and 7 containers of paprika.