JHJC Stamp Logo 5x5Creating a will or trust is one of the most important steps in planning for your future, and we encourage you to consider including the Jackson Hole Jewish Community in your estate plan at a level that is appropriate for you and your family. Not only may this provide a tax benefit to you and to your heirs, but also will bring priceless benefit to our community. Here’s how you can do it:

Leave a bequest of cash, property, or a share of your estate to the JHJC.

Name the JHJC as a beneficiary of your IRA.

Establish a charitable rollover for your IRA.

Establish a charitable remainder unitrust with JHJC as the beneficiary

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Planned/Legacy Giving?

A. Legacy giving describes a variety of giving vehicles including bequests, retirement fund beneficiary designations or charitable remainder trusts that allow you to support the Jackson Hole Jewish Community and other charitable organizations after your death. Depending on the value of your estate and the laws in place the year of your death, a legacy gift may reduce your estate’s taxable assessment for your heirs. Some giving methods are more advantageous than others to achieve your personal financial and philanthropic objectives, so it is important to consult your attorney or tax advisor.

Q. If I make a legacy gift, where do my dollars go?

A. Unless otherwise designated, all gifts will automatically be directed to the JHJC General Endowment Fund. This will guarantee that your gift continues to support our community in perpetuity.

Q. Is there a minimum requirement for legacy giving?

A. Anyone can make a legacy gift, of any size. Every legacy gift is an important expression of love for our community.

Q. What is suggested bequest language?

A. I give to the Jackson Hole Jewish Community, P.O. Box 10667, Jackson, WY 83002, the sum of $_________ [or _______% of] [or describe the property].

For a confidential conversation about your giving options, please contact Executive Director, Mary Grossman, in the JHJC office, (307) 734-1999 or info@jhjewishcommunity.org, or simply return the Jackson Hole Jewish Community Planned/Legacy Gift Notification Form.

Planned/Legacy Giving at JHJC

A gift to the JHJC through your estate plans can be a meaningful way to show your appreciation of our sacred community and help ensure that we continue to thrive for the generations to come. Legacy gifts to our general endowment us provide lifelong education, worship, and other opportunities for our members at all stages of their lives, regardless of their ability to pay. Most legacy gifts do not affect your cash flow today — and for many donors, create an opportunity to make a larger gift than was possible during their lifetime. If you have already included the JHJC in your estate plans, thank you. Please let us know so that we can show our appreciation.. There is no minimum gift — legacy giving is for everyone, at every level of philanthropy.

Jackson Hole Jewish Community Planned/Legacy Gift Notification Form

“When doing our estate planning we included a charitable bequest to the JHJC Endowment fund. We did this so that we can help ensure the continuation of religious events, programs and education during difficult economic times or help defray the cost of a major project. Giving to the endowment fund avoids the donation being used for short term operating costs.” – Anonymous