As a community, we seek to honor and support those who are in need of our thoughts and prayers. Download or view our Yizkor Memorial Book for 5781 HERE.

The JHJC remembers those from the community who have left us, may their memories be a blessing

Dr. Stuart Joel Abrahams
Todd Bergstein
Alan Daus
Ellen Daus
Arthur Frakt
Alan Hirschfield
Susan Herman
David Holmes
Jeffrey Joel
Steven Kapelow
Phil Keleny
Emmy Knobloch
David Kornblum
Hilry Leberfeld
Jann Levinson
Sally Mortensen
Larry Nussdorf
Larry Rieser
Ron Saypol
Scott Stachel
Elliot Sussman
David Turquie
Elaine Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

Please email us names that we should include in our healing, and our memorial prayers:

The JHJC offers brass nameplates ($275 each) for the Yahrzeit Memorial custom made by Charlie Thomas of Magpie Custom Furniture. Download Yahrzeit Memorial Wall Nameplate order form HERE.