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Go HERE to download the current 5785/2024-25 Membership Application.
Go HERE to access the 5786 application. Any amount is greatly appreciated.

Please join us! Your membership helps support Jewish life in Jackson Hole.
August 2024 5784 Av
I’m so grateful for our Jackson Hole Jewish Community. The sense of connection and belonging that it provides grants us a much-needed respite from life’s challenges, particularly the horrors of the October 7 massacre, the ongoing war in Gaza, and the current political turmoil. Yet while the news and our own awareness constantly remind us of the fragility of life, they also remind us of the importance of cultivating our resilience. How do we keep faith when times are tough? Our Jewish heritage has much to offer us as we ponder this question.
In a world that can sometimes seem overwhelming, the JHJC gives us frequent communal prayer and celebration opportunities. Alongside our daily services, there are Josh’s weekly Torah study sessions, which link us to generations of Jews who wrestled with our tradition’s stories and questions. There are also joyful events, such as the many b’nei mitzvah celebrations that we’ve been privileged to hold this year – and those are just a few examples.
The fellowship of the Jackson Hole Jewish Community anchors and supports us as we mark life-cycle events. It links us with Jews worldwide and throughout history in our journey through the Jewish calendar year by year. We acknowledge G-d as the Creator of our world and all that is in it, and offer our gratitude for the gift of being able to speak with our Creator. As we express our yearning for oneness and completeness, we are reminded that the still small voice is also a still small listener that is always there.
The greatest gift of all, and the one for which we are most grateful, is our ability to share our rich Jewish heritage with our children. It is a privilege to pass our traditions on to the next generation, and to watch our children thrive and blossom in the embrace of our community.
It is thanks to our members, friends, and volunteers that we are privileged to experience the love and support of the Jackson Hole Jewish Community. Please take this opportunity to become a member of the JHJC, renew your membership, or make an additional donation if you can. If you are unable to give financial support, please attend an Shabbat service or one of our cultural events, volunteer or share our information with a fellow Jew who may be new to the Jackson Hole.
May our community continue to be a source of support, solace, and joy. L’shanah tovah and may it be a blessed year to come.
L’shalom, Judd Grossman, JHJC Song Leader
Membership August 2024-July 2025
A sliding scale of dues is available; please pay what you can. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Membership Category / Suggested Fee
- Individual $378
- Single Parent Family $522
- Family $720
- Friend of the JHJC Any amount $1+
Additional Yearly Contribution
It is an important mitzvah that those of us who are more fortunate and able to do so assume greater responsibility for our operating budget. We ask you to consider the following:
____ Leadership Development Fund (any amount) Again this year the JHJC Board has voted to increase our funding of rabbinical studies and continuing education for our layleaders and staff. Please support our efforts to help underwrite some of these expenses.
____ Legacy Giving If you already have or would like to include the JHJC in your estate plans, please check here and we will follow up with you.
- Mensch ($5,000-$10,000)
- Mishpacha ($2,500-$4,999)
- Chaver/Chaverah ($1-$2,499)
- General Endowment Fund (any amount)
Reduced rate for Bet Sefer school tuition
Reduced rate for ticketed social events & activities
Reduced rate for Spirit of the Mountains Summer Camp
JHJC Center rental advantages
Listing in the JHJC Membership Directory
Exclusive participation in adult education programs
with visiting leadership
Access to life cycle events leadership
Ensuring the existence of a Jewish Community in the Tetons.
Forming friendships within the Jewish Community through shared experiences.
It’s a mitzvah!
2024-2025 Board of Directors and Staff
Mike Scher, Co-President
Ben Goldberg, Co-President
Laurie Thal, Vice President
Rachel Stam, Treasurer
Janet Bellis
Lisa Goldstein
Paula Romberg
Josh Kleyman, Bet Sefer Principal
Mary Grossman, Exec. Director
Bradley Adams, Managing Director
Judd Grossman, Chazzan