Please support our annual Kol Nidre Tzedakah Appeal. This year we are focusing on supporting rabbinical school and development for our lay leaders. Download the Appeal form HERE, or return to our home page and click on the DONATE button. Be sure to add a note that this is for Kol Nidre Appeal. Shanah Tovah and thank you!
If you missed the amazing Marion on April 25, 2021, here is her Zoom presentation recorded. Go HERE.
You may view this on a separate device or web page during services or download and print: Shabbat Prayer Book
Here is the reduced version of our Passover Haggadah for our April 8, 2020, First Night Zoom Seder. You can download and print or just read on a device. DOWNLOAD OR READ HERE. Registration is required to join the seder, please click HERE to register. Let us know if you have any problems. Email us at:
FILL OUT THIS FORM TO SUBMIT! DEADLINE 4 PM 10.9.20 Then either show off your Sukkah live during our October 9 ShaSimKot or you may submit photos and we will show your sukkah for you. ShaSimKot- is a celebration of Shabbat, Sukkot and Simchas Torah all “rolled” into one. Join us from your home or your sukkah via Zoom as…
MAKE A TZEDAKAH PLEDGE TO THE JHJCIn recognition of the important work the Jackson Hole Jewish Communityis doing to sustain and enrich Judaism in Jackson Hole. Go HERE. to make a pledge and receive an invoice after the Holidays.