unclemoshetoonUncle Moishe and his friend Saul Fine were sitting in the Chester Deli on 174th St. in the Bronx after playing some penny and two poker at the Senior Center. As usual, after complaining to Irving, the waiter, about how fatty the pastrami was, the conversation turned to family. Saul told Unc that his grandson David had a little argument with his wife Sarah the other morning before he left for work in the diamond district in mid-town Manhattan. When he returned home that evening he saw his wife and daughter reviewing the young girl’s Hebrew school homework. David asked his daughter Rebecca what she was learning. Rebecca replied, ” Well, we’re learning from the Book of Genesis and Mommy told me how HaShem made the first man and woman. Mommy said that HaShem made the man first but that the man was lonely without anyone to talk to. So, HaShem put the man to sleep. And Mommy said that while he was asleep HaShem took out his brains and made a woman with them.” All Unc could say was, “Oy, David’s got a lot of making up to do”.

A message from nephew Al: The importance of Member support

The fall season is upon us and with it comes our annual Jackson Hole Jewish Community membership drive. I make it a point to never mention it when addressing the congregation at High Holiday services as I do not feel it is appropriate to talk about such things during this holy time. So, I will just mention it here and now as a gentle reminder to one and all to please remember to renew your membership to the JHJC and if you have never been a member please consider joining the JH Jewish Community. We need your support in order to be able to continue to offer the quality programming that we do throughout the year.